Dear Readers,
We hope that you are in good health and safe.
Message from UCI Law Dean Song Richardson
Please find enclosed here a message from Dean Song Richardson on the events of the past few weeks. In her powerful message, she emphasizes that now is a critical time and opportunity for action. She asks each of us how we can do better to fight against Anti-Blackness and racism, and how we can use our voices, our power, and our influence to make lasting changes in the legal profession and society. We must all remember that the fight for equality and justice for one community is a fight for equality and justice for all communities. 

Dean Richardson's recent interview about recent protests and activism with CBS News can be found here

"'Yonder they do not love your flesh': Mourning, Anti-Blackness, and Claiming All of Us"
On Wednesday, June 3rd, UCI Humanities Center hosted the event  "'Yonder they do not love your flesh': Mourning, Anti-Blackness, and Claiming All of Us," moderated by Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, Faculty Director of the Humanities, and attended by esteemed speakers Sabrina Strings, Associate Professor of Sociology, Jessica Millward, Associate Professor of Sociology, and Tiffany Willoughby-Herard, Associate Professor of African American Studies.  The video can be found here.
As stated by Professor Millward, the three things that the Black community hold are Love, Freedom, and Justice, the latter two of which have not been obtained by the Black community.  George Floyd's death was not a one-off occurrence where a "few bad apples" are the problem, but are the result of a police culture and institution that allows its officers to see Black lives as expendable.  Professor Strings discussed the history of the police force, where one can trace the direct lineage of overseers responsible for catching escaped slaves from plantations to be returned to slave owners, to the police force that continue to terrorize communities of color, enabled by legislation that grants them broad police powers.  As a result, Black communities live in a state of fear and oppression that continues to be supported by institutional mechanisms that repeat cycles of over-policing communities of color and brutalization of these communities.  Professor Willoughby-Herard notes how students are "walking around with bullets in their arms, their legs, their face, in their flesh...," and the society we live in is designed to perpetuate these inequities.  Officials continue to perpetuate the notion that even in death, Black communities are still held with suspicion.
In order to combat these systemic issues, the panel suggested that as a society we would have to re-evaluate the role of the police force in our society, and how it continues to affect communities of color.  On an individual level, while trying to convince family and friends may seem like one of the few ways to change opinions, the panelists suggested that leading by example would also be a wise practice.  By setting an example, individuals can still change opinions without engaging in circular arguments.  Lastly, by educating ourselves about structural racism and its effects, as well as completing the census, we are best able to fund our communities as well as be equipped with the awareness of how racism permeates our society in order to address it.
California Consumer Protection Act
Earlier this month, Karen Shin, a former research fellow at the Korea Law Center and current associate at Pepper Hamilton LLP gave a presentation on the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).  A recording of the presentation can be viewed here and the slides explaining the CCPA can be found below 

The CCPA was drafted as a result of multiple major data breaches in multinational corporations, as well as the Cambridge Analytica scandal.  With the proliferation of online services, data is becoming the currency of our online transactions.  The purpose of the CCPA is to give Californian consumers' the clarity needed so that they have more agency over the information they choose to release to companies.  
From a consumer perspective, the main takeaways about the CCPA is to be aware that this law exists, be mindful of the terms that companies provide, and practice good privacy hygiene.  This would include being sure to use different passwords for different accounts, as well as avoiding easily guessed passwords.
Irvine Guidebook - Prepared by LLM Class of 2020
We would like to thank recent LLM graduate Yu Jeong Oh for giving us permission to share her Korean guidebook for the Irvine area.  If you are unfamiliar with the area, please refer to this guidebook to learn about places that UCI Law LLM students found helpful while staying here.
Looking Ahead
On Monday, June 29, at 4pm Pacific Time, the Center for Critical Korean Studies and the Korea Law Center will be presenting a webinar, Law in the New Normal: Long-Term COVID-19 Containment Strategy. The panel will feature UCI Law's Professor David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, and will be moderated by UCI Law's Professor Michelle Goodwin, Director of Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy and Chancellor’s Professor of Law. Please RSVP at this link.  The flyer is attached below.

We hope that you are doing well, and have a wonderful week! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or if there is any way we can be of support to you. 

Korea Law Center



더운여름날씨가지속되는가운데Korea Law Center 구성원여러분모두없이건강하시기바랍니다. 이번뉴스레터는한국어버전으로도제공됩니다.

UCI 로스쿨Song Richardson 학장님의메시지

이번주월요일(68), Song Richardson 학장님께서몇주간지속되고있는사회적움직임에관련된메시지UCI 로스쿨커뮤니티에전달하였습니다. 메시지에서Richardson 학장님은지금이순간이야말로사회구성원개개인이행동을취해야중대한시점임을강조했습니다. UCI 로스쿨커뮤니티의일원으로서우리가흑인차별그리고인종차별에대항하기위해있는일이무엇인지, 그리고현재혹은미래법조계의일원으로서우리가어떤방식으로우리의목소리와영향력을사용할것인지숙고할것을요청했습니다. 오늘우리가집단의자유와정의를위해목소리를높이는것은결국여러집단의자유와정의로이어진다는것을모두잊지말아야한다고생각합니다.


최근에이어지고있는시위그리고인종차별에반대하는사회적움직임과관련된Richardson 학장님의CBS 인터뷰는이곳에서확인하실있습니다.


UCI 인문대학강의그들은당신의피부를사랑하지않아: 애도, 흑인차별, 그리고우리모두

63일에는 UCI 인문대학 교수님 4분께서 우리사회가겪는흑인차별에대한담화를나누었습니다. Judy Tzu-Chun Wu 교수님이 진행자로나선담화에는사회학과의Sabrina Strings 교수님그리고Jessica Milward 교수님미국흑인학과의Tiffany Wiloughby-Herard 교수님께서 참석했습니다. 녹화본이곳에서확인하실있으며아래에필자가듣고요약내용을전달드립니다.


Milward 교수에따르면흑인커뮤니티에서가장중요시되는가지가치는사랑, 자유그리고정의입니다.  오늘의흑인커뮤니티는는마지막두가지가치를누리고있지못합니다. Milward 교수는George Floyd죽음이우연치않게썩은사과 몇몇이일으킨사건이기보다는미국의사회구조의병폐, 특히경찰조직내에서흑인들의삶의존엄성을인정하지않음으로써일어난것이라고했습니다. Strings 교수는오늘날의경찰이과거노예제도폐지플랜테이션농장에서도망친노예들을잡아다가다시소유주에게돌려주던추노꾼들과다를바가없다고말했습니다. 오늘날의미국경찰은법이보호해주는광범위한권력아래유색인종들에게테러와같은위험을가하고있다고합니다. 흑인커뮤니티에과도하게집중된경찰활동위협은조직적으로미국사회에지속되어왔고이에따라흑인들은두려움과억압에익숙해져야했다고했습니다Willoughby-Herard 교수는 흑인 학생들이 온 몸에 총상을 입고 걷고 있다며, 그들의 아픔을 보살펴 주기는 커녕 의심의 눈초리로 더욱 아프게 하는 사회를 규탄하였습니다.

담화의참석자들에따르면이러한문제를해결하기위해서는거시적으로는미국사회의경찰권력이재평가되어야하며과정에서권력이유색인종커뮤니티에어떤영향을끼치는지도고려되어야된다고했습니다. 미시적으로는개개인이주변사람들의관점을바꾸려는애쓰기보다는행동으로보여주는것이현명한방법이라고합니다. 이런행동몇가지는우리스스로가미국사회의구조적인인종차별그리고그에따른영향이무엇인지학습하는, 필요한곳에자원이제대로분배될있도록인구조사에참여하는, 그리고우리사회에어떤방식으로인종차별이스며들어있는지자각할있는능력을갖는것들이있다고합니다.

캘리포니아소비자정보보호법(California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA))

지난주월요일(6 1)에는과거KLCResearch Fellow 였던Pepper Hamilton LLP 소속Karen Shin 변호사가캘리포니아소비자정보보호법에대한강의를라이브스트리밍으로진행했습니다. 녹화본이곳에서확인하실있습니다.


캘리포니아소비자정보보호법(CCPA)2016미국대선당시Cambridge Analytica 데이터스캔들로대표되는다국적기업들의개인정보데이터악용에대응하기위해입법되었습니다. CCPA많은내용은오늘날많은서비스가온라인형태로제공되면서개인정보를 통화(currency)일종으로여기는것으로부터시작합니다. 따라서CCPA목적은캘리포니아소비자가기업에개인정보를제공함으로 개인의소유권명확히하는데에있습니다.


소비자의관점에서CCPA주는시사점은해당법안이본인의개인정보를보호하고있다는것을알고있어야한다는것과기업이제공하는약관에동의하기전에읽어봐야한다는것입니다. 또한다양한비밀번호를사용하거나쉬운비밀번호설정은지양하는자발적으로본인의개인정보를소중히여기는것이중요합니다.




LLM 한국인 졸업생분들께서UCI 정착하실한국분들을위한가이드북을만드셨습니다. KLC해당가이드북 준비에 힘써주시고 이를공유할있도록해주신 오유정님께감사드리며얼바인에서지내시는동안많은분들의 생활에도움이있기를바랍니다.

629월요일오후4시에 Center for Critical Korean Studies Korea Law Center 공동으로장기적인코로나바이러스대응방안(New Normal: Long-Term COVID-19 Containment Strategy)관련된온라인세미나를주최할예정입니다. 세미나에는UCI  로스쿨교수이자UN 언론의자유특별조사위원인David Kaye 교수가발표자로참석하고UCI 로스쿨교수이자생명공학과세계보건정책센터장인Michele Goodwin 교수가진행을맡을예정입니다.

어려운상황속에서도즐거운한주가되시길바랍니다. Korea Law Center 도움이필요한일이있으시다면언제든연락주시기바랍니다. 감사합니다.


Korea Law Center 드림.

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